Thursday, 6 April 2017

Sorry, I’ve been silent for a while. It’s just I’ve bit more that I can chew at the moment, actually. Beside weekly training and daily question training I make for my students, lessons and my family I signed up for two very interesting events that take place at the same time.

First is a summit of online teachers. I am new to this stuff and there are so many things to investigate. Three-four interviews a day are adding to my daily duties quite a strain.

Second is time management training. Well, it is supposed to ease my life in future. But so far it’s one more thing I should spend my time to.

Meanwhile, I wanted to remind you of one old joke: ‘Do you talk to yourself? – But of course! It’s a pleasure to talk to a clever person from time to time!’

Indeed, talking to yourself is extremely useful, especially when you do it in English. Pay attention to the words and phrases you use in your mother tongue. What are their equivalents in English? It’s almost impossible to start speaking freely from the day one. Make it step by step, word by word. You have a listener at hand all the time, make a good use of it.

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